My Story.

Heya, Daniel Here! I pray and hope that you are encouraged as you read a little about me and be reminded that God will always come through for you no matter what things may look like! You are truly valuable, Loved and God has an Amazing plan for YOUR Life!
Here's my short story:
My whole family is from the small country of Latvia.
(Yes I can speak Latvian!)
At the time Latvia was pretty in pretty rough shape, in communism, and only let Jewish people out of the country.
So my Parents somehow got forged papers that said we are a Jewish family and escaped with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
With the whole world as an option... they decided to 'escape' to Toronto, Canada.
My parents not fully knowing how to speak English, Lived on the streets of Toronto with a Family of 6 for quite some time.
That's when I was born... in Toronto, Canada. (Jan 31, 1991)
Starting from the bottom..
Miracle after miracle combined with a lot of hard work we overcame so much together.
I actually started working full-time at the age of 12 in Construction as a General Contractor. Crazy I know.. But actually so grateful for it!
Naturally, I had to mature very quickly and take responsibility to help provide but I'm so thankful for the qualities it built in me and the many lessons I learned along the way that I can now help others with.
There are just WAY too many amazing testimonies to share here on how God brought me through so many crazy situations! But I can confidently say one thing for sure... GOD IS GOOD!
I've been passionate about self-development, business, and investing from a young age.
As I was working away in the Construction field I would listen to SO many Podcasts & Audiobooks every day and learned as much as I possibly could with the desire to one day start my own business.
At the beginning of 2020 (Just before Covid really hit), I felt God tell me to quit my job in Construction and go full-time in E-Commerce & Marketing.
(Definitely was nervous about it as I really wasn't making money from it at the time)
With an incredible Mentor who helped me through it, I went ahead and took that leap of faith.. I Quit my job!.. Man.. It was so worth it!
I've been moving forward ever since and always excited for what God has in store for me next while being SUPER grateful for all the things he's brought me through already.

A massive/amazing part of my story...
Getting to marry my dream girl Katie Ziedins!!
Our Surprise Engagement Video:
It's truly been the best time of my life with her!
Check out her amazing work here: Katie Nicolle Photography
Among many things, we are both super passionate about our faith and really got to know each other in the early years of ministering on the streets of Hamilton & Toronto.
Getting to experience God's power together, and see many salvations, healings, deliverances, and people's lives completely change on the streets has entirely shifted our focus on Jesus and living out his will for our last (Truly the most exciting adventure!).
For more info on that:
I'm so excited to share the rest of this journey with you guys!
Remember: You are truly and deeply Loved. God wants to use Your story to impact many lives!
'And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony' - Revelation 12:11
Thank you so much for all the support & for connecting with me!
- Daniel