Daniel Ziedins - Experience
I've been in the E-commerce & Marketing Business (Specifically Shopify Dropshipping) for over Six years now and have personally scaled 3 of my brands to over $100k+ In revenue and have helped well over 100+ people successfully scale their dropshipping business through a Marketing Agency I helped manage.
I've seen a lot of people fail in this business (including myself at the start) and have seen a lot succeed. With that experience, I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't work in this 'ever-changing' industry and have now decided to invest some time and all my knowledge towards others like yourself looking to either start their dropshipping business or continue to scale their current brand.
I'm excited to help you grow & get results!
What's Included

You may be wanting to ask... What's it cost Daniel? I can tell you that the cost is VERY reasonable and will be worth it if you're willing to put the work in.
Simply fill out the short application below to see if we are a good fit and if we are... we can get started asap!